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Download the #SkilledStrong Runners Warm Up

Warm up for the best run of your life in 10 minutes without wasting your time stretching or foam rolling

I help Runners around the globe get stronger, run faster, train for resilience, and come back from any setback so they NEVER have to stop doing what they love.

Running is often portrayed as a sport with the risk of overuse injuries and repetitive strain that supposedly come with the territory...

But what if that's not true at all?

What if the common Achilles strain, plantar fasciitis, achey knee, Morton's neuroma, nagging hip pain, etc. are actually a result of compensatory training form that you weren't aware was happening on the road, treadmill or gym?

What if those unconscious compensatory patterns were your body's best option at the time, despite contributing to unwanted gradual "wear & tear" on your joints and soft tissue?

And what if all you need to resolve those momentary setbacks is a bit of coaching + individually tailored exercises to address the root cause behind said movement/postural deficits?

Whether you're experiencing pain or not, I will help you uncover exactly what's limiting your performance, address the cause at its root, and develop a personalized game plan that reconditions the body to reach your peak athletic potential.

"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do what you want"


by Romina Kostich


I have been training with Romina for the past five years after I had muscle injuries on my legs playing tennis.  She is extremely knowledgeable about how muscles, posture and bones interact and was able to create a personalized training program for me.  Since then I haven't had any injuries, have reshaped by body, and gained strength in my legs and back which I can prove through my tennis game but more importantly my overall fitness level. I'm in my mid 50s and would like to emphasize how important is to have a professional trainer. There aren't too many outstanding professionals, but Romina is definitely one of them!


To say that Romina has changed my life would be an understatement. She has taught me how to make the corrective continue to stick and hold myself accountable for my lazy compensations. She's a trainer for personal trainers!


Talented trainer who focuses both on proper technique (to prevent injury and strengthen core) along with fitness.  She will customize the workout to your desired objectives and if necessary will emphasize endurance or strength depending on the mood and need. She also has a practical and clear way of presenting new movements, so easy to follow and execute.  Finally, Romina is very punctual and communicative, which I appreciate with a busy schedule. Overall, would highly recommend Romina.


I really need to give props to Romina who is amazing to work with. She has endless patience and enthusiasm for helping people develop new skills and improve/correct lousy movement patterns that have been decades in the making.

Mary Sue

Romina is an incredible Coach and trainer. She intuitively knows which exercises work best for each individual’s body and pushes you to be your best. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to train properly.


Romina’s holistic approach to personal training is truly unique and unbelievably effective! Romina is driven, intelligent, creative and passionate. Before meeting Romina, I worked out for years on my own and was never able to achieve my fitness goals. I’ve been training with Romina for two years and my body has completely transformed.


I met Romina at a point where no matter what I did, what I ate or how much I exercised, I could not lose any more weight or see any meaningful changes in my body. I had a bad shoulder and a bad back due to years of bad posture and bad form stemming from ignorance. But I pushed on realizing that I needed to make a change and my goal to get stronger in a sustainable way to prevent plateauing.

One day after I spoke to Romina for well over an hour, I knew that she could really help me with my goals and address my problem areas. Over the next few months, Romina has helped get me stronger, while retraining my body to undo years of bad workout habits. Romina has been very understanding, patient, motivating and inspiring through this journey. She has a deep knowledge of the human body and its mechanics and manages to work me up to a sweat even with limited movements. Her programs were tailored specifically for me, paying close attention to ensure I wasn't over working myself and that I was getting enough rest in order to get the most out of my sessions.

At this stage, Romina has helped me go from 175lbs to around 165lbs, and has made me stronger than at any other point in my life. She makes the training sessions fun and challenging, guiding me to develop and tone my body, but at the same time really listening to my needs and the “problem areas” that I wanted to focus on.

I highly recommend Romina. Her professionalism and passion for fitness is second to none.


Romina has been extremely helpful to me, in achieving my objectives of building strength, mobility, and stability through training. While I am sure there are aspects of what Romina does that are “standard”, what I value are: her listening, and sensitivity to my needs. She is excellent at providing feedback that I can relate to, to increase my self awareness of what I am doing right or wrong, through words and analogies, personal demonstrations and occasionally, a photo.
Also, Romina is a continuous learner and is always investing in learning more about the body, kinetics, etc. I am the beneficiary of that knowledge which she is able to share verbally, as well as through technique.
In hindsight, over the last year plus, Romina has led me down a journey of developing strength, by doing things I never thought I’d be able to do, in a deliberate, consistent build and growth of my capability.
I only wish I had met Romina years earlier, when I could have changed patterns earlier that might have allowed me to achieve even more physically. But I gratefully take what she has given me!


I worked with Romina for three months focusing on strength training to complement my running workouts. Romina is very professional and has a great attitude. She took the time to carefully understand my fitness goals and to create a training plan that would work best for me. She was very responsive and accessible and always explained each exercise clearly. During our time together, I became much stronger and my running times improved. I would definitely recommend Romina to help you achieve your fitness goals!


Romina has been an inspiring force in my efforts to get fit in my '50s. Her patience and willingness to explain the science behind the exercise has kept me interested and motivated. She works the brain as well as the body!


In the months before meeting Romina, life had thrown me some challenges that led to me being less active than I had been in years and the resulting sedentary lifestyle resulted in a lot of aches and pains that hindered my motivation! Romina listened to my goals and successfully developed a program that replaced dread with strength, flexibility and a much need boost of energy!


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